How to Drive Consumer Motivation

3 min

How to Drive Consumer Motivation

It's easy to determine customer motivation by examining your store's internal data. Here's what you need to know.

Look at your customer personas

With a little common sense you can use your personas to pinpoint or rule out consumer motives.

For personas on a budget pleasure and acceptance probably won't be as important as need or financial gain. Fear may drive the likes of parents businesses and workers to make a purchase whereas older audiences are likely to be motivated by health concerns.

Gather further insights

You can delve further into consumer motives by running surveys monitoring feedback conducting interviews performing competitor analysis and other kinds of market research.

Analyse or A/B test marketing messages which tap into different consumer motives to see which receive the most engagement. You can also check out the pages your visitors view most.

It's a good idea to engage with your support agents to find out what customers say about your products too. The questions they ask before conversion can be particularly helpful for determining pre-purchase motivations.

Take advantage of tech tools

Your eCommerce brand can leverage advanced analytics and machine learning to accurately identify important demographics and consumer behaviour which can then be used to supercharge customer personas and consumer motives.

A Digital Shelf monitoring tool allows you to analyse reviews across your entire sales network in an effort to understand why past customers bought your products. Tracking keyword phrases related to your brand and products can also highlight your audience's motives.

Tips to leverage Consumer Motivation

Armed with knowledge of what motivates your customers your team can create content that will speak directly to their needs. Here are three ways to capitalise on this:

1. Tailor your content

Different personas are likely to have different consumer motives. But you can tailor your messages to each one with some simple eCommerce personalisation.

Based on the product chosen or the marketing message clicked you can present shoppers with custom landing pages promotions pop-ups cross merchandising messages and content suggestions.

2. Create urgency at checkout

We already touched on how flash sales and limited offers can boost impulse purchases. But marketers can also use the checkout experience to motivate prospects to act fast.

Let shoppers know when an item in their cart is running low and implement countdown timers to communicate when sales end offers expire or delivery deadlines approach. One study indicates that this can increase conversions by 9%.

3. Link savings and sustainability

It's not only budget brands that can provide consumers with financial gains. High-end merchants are also tapping into this consumer motivation by highlighting how their products save money in the long-term.

The North Face JanSport Zippo Skullcandy and DeWalt all offer lifetime warranties while brands like LG and Miele work hard to highlight how much their energy efficient appliances can save consumers.

With sustainable eCommerce being a huge trend right now showcasing your green credentials will also tap into motivations around acceptance and aspiration. In fact recent research shows that 41% of consumers seek out brands with strong environmental values.

Final thoughts on Consumer Motivation

By defining consumer motives using the eight categories listed above it becomes easier to segment and target your audience in a meaningful and engaging way. That's why this is an essential exercise for every eCommerce marketing team.

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