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Digital Shelf Data &
Ecommerce Analytics

In today's digital, omnichannel world, the way consumers shop has changed drastically. More and more people are starting and completing their shopping journeys online, and they expect to be able to find and purchase products from any device, at any time.

This shift to ecommerce has created new challenges for brands and retailers. They need to ensure that their products are visible and shoppable on all the major online channels, and they need to be able to track their performance and make changes to improve their results.

ChannelSight is a digital shelf platform that helps brands and retailers optimize their ecommerce performance and increase their online sales. With our Digital Shelf Analytics Dashboards, you can:

Ensure Content Compliance
  • Enhance search placement visibility and boost sales with consistent content compliance and optimized product messaging. 
  • Reduce time dedicated to monitoring with compliance tools to automatically find and flag discrepancies.
Track Product Ratings
  • Understand if retailers' service or delivery problems are impacting your product ratings. 
  • Gain insights into the performance of you and your competitors products and any prominent aspects that consumers like or dislike.
Pricing & Inventory
  • Stay competitive on price with visibility over pricing trends and daily Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) violator reports.
  • Never miss out on a sale by ensuring your top retail partners are always in stock for your hero SKUs.
Improve Search Placement
  • Increase product visibility and drive sales by optimizing your overall search position.
  • Get insights into the search terms and keywords that are driving traffic and sales and make data-driven decisions

Key Platform Features

Enhanced Product Intelligence

ChannelSight's Product Intelligence feature leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide granular and accurate product data and insights across millions of products and SKUs on the digital shelf. This can help you make informed decisions about your product strategy and marketing campaigns.

Customer Success team

Channelsight's dedicated Customer Success team provides you with support to benchmark your product performance against competitors, identify gaps and opportunities and provide actionable guidance and best practices to improve your digital shelf performance and conversions.

Dedicated Retail Partner team

From initial setup to ongoing maintenance and relationship management, we provide comprehensive support for clients ensuring swift implementations of sales tracking requirements.

Extensive Retailer Network

Through our global network of retail partners, we process tens of thousands of data points daily, delivering actionable insights to brands so they can quickly assess performance and implement optimisations as efficiently as possible.

Brand Ecommerce Benefits

  • Increased sales: Channelsight can help you increase your online sales by providing you with the tools and insights you need to optimize your digital shelf performance.
  • Improved customer experience: Channelsight can help you provide a seamless and convenient shopping experience for your customers, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Reduced costs: Channelsight can help you reduce your ecommerce costs by streamlining your workflows and processes.
  • Increased visibility: Channelsight can help you increase your product visibility on the digital shelf, which can lead to more sales and conversions.

Where to Buy and Shoppable Media solutions play a crucial role in driving consumers from any Media to their preferred retailers, but Digital Shelf Analytics maximizes the impact of the product landing pages, providing brands with tools and insights to capitalize on all traffic sources and increase conversions across the board.