Complement your Amazon Prime Day Strategy with Shoppable Media

In the lead up to Prime Day, you have to think about what channels will resonate the most with your target audience. 

For planning, you must consider two main audiences: your loyal consumer base and your prospective new audience. 

With your loyal consumer base, the trust and credibility are already established, so you’re one step closer out of the gate there.

Loyal Consumer Base

To tap into your loyal consumer base, channels like SMS, email and organic social media can help. 

As the most Prime Day promotions are for electronics, home goods and everyday essentials, these brand categories can leverage a multichannel approach to reach audiences who may already be looking for these promotions.  

For example, a consumer electronics brand sending an email on Prime Day through their CRM and creating a landing page with all of their deals over the Prime Day period can let their loyal consumer base know about what their favourite brands have on offer.  

This removes friction from the consumer journey and avoids risk of the consumer having to try and search around on Amazon for your Prime Day Deal, then getting distracted by competitor ads.  

Prospective New Audiences 

For gaining brand awareness and visibility with new audiences, your multichannel approach should be targeted. 

Utilising channels like paid ads and media, over-the-top (OTT) advertising and  out-of-home (OOH) marketing in the lead up to Prime Day and during the sale itself can help capture attention in the crowded space.  

Again, reducing friction from the consumer journey is key here. For digital channels, ensuring your consumer journey is as seamless as possible is vital.  

By using a shoppable media landing page, your brands can maximise sales conversions through a streamlined path to purchase.  

For example, running a paid Instagram campaign promoting your Prime Day deals with a targeted audience in mind will capture new potential customers. 

By utilising a shoppable landing page in this campaign, your brand will reduce any frictions from consumers actively seeking out products and choosing competitor products in the marketplace. 

In mapping out your Prime Day strategy, it is important to keep the consumer journey in mind.  

With a multichannel approach, certain channels can fit nicely into your planning. 

How Shoppable Media fits your Multichannel Approach

As the need for seamless paths to purchase becomes a higher priority, a Shoppable Media solution could be the right fit for your Prime Day campaigns.

A shoppable media solution can fit in most of these steps, offering reduced friction to consumers and driving more traffic to your Amazon Prime Deals.  

Shoppable media, also known as shoppable content, is any marketing content that provides a direct pathway to the product page or checkout.

The primary benefit of Shoppable Media is that it meets the consumer demand for convenience. As all digital assets including static ads, social media (owned, earned and paid) and videos can become shoppable, it enables brands to meet consumers where they shop and provides a convenient pathway to purchase.

With at least 40% of marketers already using shoppable media, it is becoming an increasingly important advertising and sales channel.

By incorporating Shoppable Media into your strategy, your brands will be reaching consumers when they're most receptive to new ideas and have the highest potential of converting.

Shoppable media even allows brands to track the success of your campaigns by real sales conversions, not just traffic. 

To increase brand engagement, measure digital marketing ROI and optimise your campaign performance, shoppable media can help you to never miss a sale. 

Overall, we know Prime Day preparation can be a monolithic task, but ChannelSight solutions can help you to optimise every touchpoint of your campaign and track real sales data results to ensure your efforts don’t go unnoticed. 

Speak to a ChannelSight representative to learn about how Shoppable Media can support your Prime Day planning.

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